Bigginz Group Therapy Official Audio
We have a new video release! Bigginz Group Therapy Official Audio released on December 31, 2021. Savvy Turtle and I are great friends. But, Savvy is for Cheese and I’m No Cheese and this results in constant battles between us. So we’re in group therapy trying to sort this siht out.
Watch Bigginz Group Therapy Official Audio below:
This has been a rewarding experience for me. Granted a lot of hard work and late nights involved and it wasn’t a cakewalk, nonetheless it was rewarding. If I had to do it all over again I would. I certainly enjoyed the journey.
“No Cheese!!!”
#NoCheese #BigginzGroupTherapy #HQ #BigginzGroupTherapyAlbum #AntiCheese #HoldTheCheese #Cheesetubator #CheeselessMastication #UDoit #NoCheeseRecords #Hiphop #CheeseTrauma #NoCheeseAnthem #OfficialMusicVideo